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Why Boo?

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I‘m stumped on this one.
I have heard this a lot at work,
why are the Americans booing our national anthem at the hockey and basketball games?
any suggestions. :confused:
Drunken sportsmorons and shyte disturbing press trying to raise doo doo over nothing. We‘ve seen this before it‘s nothing new. If you go back it happens almost every year at some sport venue during playoffs.
recceguy I agree with you they are a bunch of a--holes. Can you imagine painting yourself up and going to a sporting event? Not me.
Naa sir, we just paint ourselves up and go play in the bushes... ;)

Seriously, it is a real reflection of Western society, a society which has grown accustomed to luxery and takes the freedoms behind those anthems for granted.
The disrespect shown by my peers makes me embarressed to associate myself with my own generation (Probably how my anti-social a$$ ended up in the military in the first place....)
"I‘m stumped on this one. I have heard this a lot at work,why are the Americans booing our national anthem at the hockey and basketball games?
any suggestions."

Because modern society has eschewed Darwinism in support of keeping the weak, stupid, slack, idle, and terminally ignorant alive instead of letting natural selection do its thing. Most of those Neanderthals are content to wallow in simplistic pride and ignorance. These idiots paint their flab in "Their Team‘s" colours fer chrissake.
They are no worse than any of the idiots on the CBC forums who actually believe that the Americans deserved to have 3000 of their civilian citizens (not to mention 24 of OURS) killed because the Americans own the world. Ignorance and stupidity are not owned and claimed solely by our neighbours to the South.

But fear not, for when my plans for world domination come to fruition, my first official act will be to outlaw blatant stupidity, punishable by public flogging, with public beheadings for the fifth offence. That outta take care of that world overpopulation problem.
Haha Marauder, I‘ll be your DCO for that OP!!!
Geez, INF, I thought you would want Offical Thong Inspector position, ensuring all cute chicks comply with the law stating they must wear a thong or go commando. ;) Guess I‘ll have to give that to Disturbance now. :D
I thought you would want Offical Thong Inspector position, ensuring all cute chicks comply with the law stating they must wear a thong or go commando.
Damn, what MOC is that?!? I am in the wrong trade.
That‘s why we will never sack Chretien, let alone the White House (again). We need to focus, the mere thought of beer, women and hockey and we get sidetracked.

Ohh Grasshopper, focus, what is the task at hand.

Besides, the Booing is WRONG, but what do you expect from South of the moral devide, the gene pool seperator, yadda yadda? Just to bad it migrated up here. :p
Originally posted by Harry:
[qb]That‘s why we will never sack Chretien, let alone the White House (again). We need to focus, the mere thought of beer, women and hockey and we get sidetracked.

Ohh Grasshopper, focus, what is the task at hand.

Besides, the Booing is WRONG, but what do you expect from South of the moral devide, the gene pool seperator, yadda yadda? Just to bad it migrated up here. :p [/qb]
Thinking you are somehow better than an American simply because of where you live is the entire root of the problem, is it not? Comments like this are no demonstration that you‘re any better than the morons who boo at hockey games.

If you follow my little dig there, I don‘t take the Booing thing too seriously, have you ever been to any of the Pro (NHL, CFL etc) Battle of Alberta’s? :D

It happens, I was just poking a bit of fun, in light of some of the more serious topics of late, I just want to let my hair down, well at least as much as a Number 1 will allow.

We have some political issues that need to be ironed out at higher levels, but in all reality, what three countries have it so good. North America, regardless of some of the issues is in a better situation than most of the other continents, other than Australia.

Most of the people I do contract work with and for are Americans, initially they were somewhat skeptical of Canadian abilities, however, with some exposure they are very happy my skill set and with me.

When I travel, I don’t get high and mighty nor separate myself from yanks, but I do carry some extra Canuck Flags for them to sew onto kit. I never was a fan of us and them, no matter what the situation, just do the job and get on with it. My best military experiences are with Americans, and seeing as I have family stateside, I really don’t get to wrapped up over what side of the border is what. :cool:

Now that I have got that out the way, I think if we want to get a gauge of how American’s will think of us based upon the Corporate Memory mode, make sure you watch 60 Minutes on Sunday. Judging by the Midnight Oil being burned on the Hill tonight, I think a few people are concerned. :rage:

Michael, you are one of a handful of people in here for whom I watch for responses, so no offense taken, just keep the sights lined up on the target, good shooting, my back side deserved it. :eek:
Now put into context the booing of the Canadian National Anthem and the loss of 4 of our own just days previously.
As I said, when it comes to sporting events, I don‘t take crowds all that serious, unless I am there and they are rioting.

For whatever reason, no matter where you go in this world, or at what ever level, sporting events just bring out the best in people.

Most of the Americans I know are sorry for what happened, not to mention want a fair and impartial investigation done from the US end.

However it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that both things happened so close to each other. For myself, I am not reading too much into it.

I do dream of the day two Canadain teams go after Lord Stanleys Cup. Heck, if it was a possibilty, imagine Calgary and Edmonton going at it. Both cities would be on a war footing.

As I have said before, this is one topic I think we are reading more into than is necessary. Go to an Edmonton-Toronto game, or even better a Toronto-Montreal game, they have their less than stellar moments.
I live right on the border, most of the US radio stations have spent the last week apologisiing for the moronic cretins(is there a parallel with current PM‘s name and this word?) that embarassed them with the booing. They are a proud, patriotic and sometimes condesending people. However, given the comments of sympathy and condolence posted by the regular Joe and Mary American, on the many sites set up on the web and in print for our fallen, I for one am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Let‘s let this one go for what it was, a bunch of drunken louts, jacked up on Old English Malt liquor. I dare say, a lot of the booing was their own giving it back to the ones that started it, just sounded like the same crowd, that‘s all. We have enough trouble with our own government and people not supporting us without looking south (well, north from where I‘m living) for scapegoats. Let‘s not beat this to death. It‘s a sports thing which should‘ve made it a none starter fron the get go. Leave the press and the politicos to their holier than thou attitude and let‘ get on with someting worthy. Like, where‘s my new CADPAT‘s???
Now for something completely serious :D

Two Americans boarded a flight out of Salt Lake after the hockey game. One sat in the window seat and the other sat in the middle seat. Just before take-off, a Canadian got on and took the aisle seat. After take-off, the Canadian kicked his shoes off, wiggled his toes and was settling in when the American in the window seat said, "I think I‘ll get up and get a beer." "No problem," said the Canadian, "I‘ll get it for you." While he was gone, one of the Americans picked up the Canadian‘s shoe and spat in it. When he returned with the beer, the other American said, "That looks good, I think I‘ll have one too." Again, the Canadian obligingly went to fetch it and while he was gone, the other American picked up the other shoe and spat in it. When the Canadian returned to his seat, they all sat back and enjoyed the flight. As the plane was landing, the Canadian slipped his feet into his shoes and knew immediately what had happened. "Why does it have to be this way?" he asked. "How long must this go on? This fighting between our nations? This hatred? This animosity? This spitting in shoes, and pissing in beers?"

UBIQUE :warstory:
Originally posted by Harry:

If you follow my little dig there, I don‘t take the Booing thing too seriously, have you ever been to any of the Pro (NHL, CFL etc) Battle of Alberta’s? :D

It happens, I was just poking a bit of fun, in light of some of the more serious topics of late, I just want to let my hair down, well at least as much as a Number 1 will allow.

We have some political issues that need to be ironed out at higher levels, but in all reality, what three countries have it so good. North America, regardless of some of the issues is in a better situation than most of the other continents, other than Australia.

Most of the people I do contract work with and for are Americans, initially they were somewhat skeptical of Canadian abilities, however, with some exposure they are very happy my skill set and with me.

When I travel, I don’t get high and mighty nor separate myself from yanks, but I do carry some extra Canuck Flags for them to sew onto kit. I never was a fan of us and them, no matter what the situation, just do the job and get on with it. My best military experiences are with Americans, and seeing as I have family stateside, I really don’t get to wrapped up over what side of the border is what. :cool:

Now that I have got that out the way, I think if we want to get a gauge of how American’s will think of us based upon the Corporate Memory mode, make sure you watch 60 Minutes on Sunday. Judging by the Midnight Oil being burned on the Hill tonight, I think a few people are concerned. :rage:

Michael, you are one of a handful of people in here for whom I watch for responses, so no offense taken, just keep the sights lined up on the target, good shooting, my back side deserved it. :eek: [/qb]
I forget sometimes people are just blowing off steam (ie not posting their most serious responses) - its hard to judge tone, etc. in the written word. Yeah, I‘ve been to CFL games and not been impressed with the "clientelle" - I was really embarrassed for the New York Islander fan who, in a drunken haze, stood in front of the camera with his fat painted jowls flapping in the breeze saying, and I quote "I‘m glad we boo them. I hate Canada!"


thanks for the compliment; I have been watching your posts with interest as well since you burst on the scene. No offence taken, none intended on my part. In the wake of the bombing, though, I do think one wants to guard against the perception that we are not kissin‘ cousins with the Yanks anymore - at the risk of taking this too seriously, there is no sense giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Of course, has Canada ever been accused of taking a war too seriously? ;)

I will check out 60 Minutes (as I always do!) and look forward to your comments here after Sunday night.