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Trudeau Wants Digital ID from Provinces in Exchange for Health Funds

This - well said SKT. I don’t trust the Federales or the provincial governments in any of this.
The primary issue in healthcare is demographic collapse.

Healthcare is collapsing for a number of reasons, but chiefly because governments have refused to pay attention to the population pyramid for the last 20 years. We are now at the crossroads of increased numbers of patients, and decreased staff levels, both due to the same dynamic. For example, in Canada in 1950, we had 27.04 live births per 100000, by 2000, that was down to 11.1. Over the period of 1960 to 2022, the percentage of folks over 65 has gone from 7.7% to 18.1%. I would expect similar changes in the US population. In addition, health authorities have attempted to save money by reducing staff. The primary tool has frequently been to offer early retirement. COVID encouraged many others to cash out and stop working.

We have ignored the increased demand for long term care which has caused people to remain in hospital as they have nowhere to go. When I started my current job, we were 1600 LTC beds short inside the city limits. It is now estimated that that number has risen to 2400. This for a city that has about 2000 in-patient hospital beds. The knock on effect is that patients can't be admitted from ER, which in turn causes waiting rooms to back up. On the surgical side, the increased demand (need) for hip and knee surgery, coupled with COVID, has created significant increase in morbidity, which then has a knock on effect on primary and urgent care providers. Admittedly, I'm not sure how the other surgical services are impacted. Add to the mix the effect of the obesity, diabetes, cardiac disease in the last 50 years, and it becomes a crushing problem.
Here is the problem with health care in Canada.

The feds may be on the hook for some portion of the funding, but the provinces ultimately decide what are funded services and what are not, which means the growth of healthcare expenditures is not within the control of the Feds. The provinces are also the gatekeepers for how many doctors and nurses get trained each year. How can we possibly keep up with attrition in the healthcare sector, much less grow, when only 3000 doctors are trained each year in Canada?

In theory, a national healthcare card would be a good idea in Canada, but we are terrible at stuff like that, so…
I'd settle for a provincial one. Invest the money in data security and enable the healthcare systems to operate with a level of information efficiency that matches saaaaay, a regional network of hardware stores. When my wife gets to emerg writhing in pain from a chronic issue the attending physician should have one click access to her medical history, not be reinventing the wheel for the 9th time.

As to piss offs with the healthcare system- fix this crap
It all comes down to money. Anyone willing to accept less-than-inflation compensation increases? Give up the recent daycare and dental plans? Strip customary management powers out of bargaining unit contracts? Pay more taxes? Write donation cheques to their provincial governments? Gut all the little programs that have been added on by recent governments and ignore the whinging of the people who lose their rice bowls?
It all comes down to money. Anyone willing to accept less-than-inflation compensation increases? Give up the recent daycare and dental plans? Strip customary management powers out of bargaining unit contracts? Pay more taxes? Write donation cheques to their provincial governments? Gut all the little programs that have been added on by recent governments and ignore the whinging of the people who lose their rice bowls?

Cut social programs where people take more than they put in. Don’t pay income tax? Don’t receive gov services. The system will fix itself.
Cut social programs where people take more than they put in. Don’t pay income tax? Don’t receive gov services. The system will fix itself.
The point of "social programs" is to help people incapable of putting in. What fucks things up is people who insist programs should be universal. People who can afford to pay for services, should pay - at least a part, if not everything - for services.
If people are upset about a digital ID, wait until they find out abut your social insurance number, passport, drivers licenses etc, or existing provincial healt cards.

At this point facebook, google and twitter still have more personal information about you which anyone can buy for advertising purposes.

I'm not even really sure why a federal digital ID would be required, as every province but Quebec already has agreements in place for billing against your provincial ID, but if people think the feds need something for more information I think they are wildly ignorant of the existing digital footprint everyone already has..
Like an elected individual listening to their constituent's wishes? What a novel concept.
Not really. I’m cynical when it comes to back peddling, back tracking or “listening” to constituents’ wishes.

The Liberal’s listening and backtracking on their gun law amendments
The Ontario Conservatives listening and backtracking on their not withstanding clause when dealing with unions
Scott Moe listening and backtracking on digital id

Etc etc.

Regardless of the political stripe, it’s political motivation when they backtrack.
If people are upset about a digital ID, wait until they find out abut your social insurance number, passport, drivers licenses etc, or existing provincial healt cards.

At this point facebook, google and twitter still have more personal information about you which anyone can buy for advertising purposes.

I'm not even really sure why a federal digital ID would be required, as every province but Quebec already has agreements in place for billing against your provincial ID, but if people think the feds need something for more information I think they are wildly ignorant of the existing digital footprint everyone already has..

If this proposed ID was worth its weight then the feds would not have to bribe the provinces to sign on.

How often are medical records needed in another province? It happens when traveling but I'm sure its not often enough to necessitate a federal registry. Most people that move provinces get their records brought with them already. A provincial registry would be more understandable.

A relative of mine is in IT for a hospital group. He explained that hospitals and clinics are all migrating to a cloud based record system where all connected computers have access to all your health data from any connected clinics. I.E. if your family doctor is on the system and you land in the ER of a hospital on the system then the ER Doc has all your medical history as soon as you are admitted. I do not remember the name of the system. Clinics and hospitals have been migrating to it because of how easy records flow and the work that it saves.

Trudeau is all in on globalization and admittedly envious of Xi's power. He has shown repeatedly he seeks absolute power with no questions. left unchecked I have no doubts he would make Canada an authoritarian state as quick as he possibly could.
Trudeau is all in on globalization and admittedly envious of Xi's power. He has shown repeatedly he seeks absolute power with no questions. left unchecked I have no doubts he would make Canada an authoritarian state as quick as he possibly could.
For the first part, globalization in and of itself is not a bad thing. There is nothing inherently wrong with globalization. If there was, well then you must also have a problem with "regionalization", and "countryalization", and "provincialization", etc.

Also, lots of people are envious of Xi's power. PP is envious of Xi's power. Seriously, the vast vast vast majority of people are selfish and crave power. Besides, a benevolent dictator is the best form of government.

As for the rest of what you said, I'll make my response shorter by just saying "reverse everything you said and thats my response".

Alberta already uses digital id. Question for albertans, do you use it? Do you trust it? Do you want it gone?

Ontario is moving towards something similar and I am curious about it.

Alberta already uses digital id. Question for albertans, do you use it? Do you trust it? Do you want it gone?

Ontario is moving towards something similar and I am curious about it.
I only ever used it to screenshot my immunization record when I had to show it to do everything from buy a case of beer to eat my lunch.
benevolent dictator is the best form of government.

Wiki lists five benevolent dictators in the worlds history and those are questioned in the same article. I believe all dictators start out with a dream of making their country great in one way or another. All dictators end up resorting to drastic draconian means to achieve that end when things don't go their way. Like freezing bank accounts of peaceful protesters. You may want a benevolent dictator and if you find one I encourage you to move there. I for one want a balanced government where no one person has too much power.

You are right that the vast majority of people crave power. That is why the American founding fathers worked so hard to set up their government so that no one person had absolute power. Our democratic structure has similar safe guards but Trudeau has gotten away with ignoring many of them without recourse.
Hitler started out as a pretty chill dude too....
You aren’t wrong tho.

The masses didn’t celebrate him because he came across as a tyrant. Rather he was seen as a national hero that got the country back on track, who used questionable & downright dirty tactics (unknown to the general citizenry at the time) to shape the political and military landscapes to what suited him.

For everything that he was, he was a shrewd politician who gathered his support by coming across as ‘not Hitler’

I don’t think Justin would be a Hitler if our modern circumstances were different. But I don’t know that he wouldn’t maybe follow in some similar footprints…

(He is the only PM, and indeed the only G7 leader who proposed - and pushed for - internet censorship in one form or another.)