Trucker and Sig are correct. According to CFPAS, all ranks must receive PDRs. Only Cpls to MWO and Lt to LCol receive PERs. That being said, I have seen PERs for Ptes, particularly senior ones. I wouldn't say that it is wrong, but it is not mandated by the policy.
PDRs allow for:
a. The supervisor to give clear terms of reference and expectations to the individual
b. The individual gets an opportunity to give his goals to his supervisor (this is a chance to ask for courses etc)
c. The individual gets to give his supervisor a list of his accomplishments during the reporting period
d. The supervisor gives feedback to the individual on his performance
e. They both come up with a plan to improve performance/ further the individuals development
The PDR is pretty much between the individual and his supervisor, although the chain of command will review the PDR as well. If the PDR process is followed faithfully it is a useful tool for development. Good PDRs for a Pte from his immediate chain of command should set the stage for good professional development. By "good" I mean honest and complete, not that the PDR must only list "good" points. PDRs can also set the stage for future administrative action. Time spent on PDRs is seldom wasted.
PERs go to merit boards in Ottawa and affect promotion. PERs are a major pain (my nightmare as a Sqn 2IC) but they are very important documents.