Can anyone give me some more info of what goes on at an MPAC? Is it just things like interviews, tests, polygraph, stuff like that?
DeltaMike said:what will happen if you dont pass it? will you get kicked out of the military or you will be offered your second or third choice?
kincanucks said:Are you in the military?
FAULK said:MPAC.... I'm very curious
I understand not much... if any information can be given on it; however, I was wondering if anyone could answer this:
(more of a question about the selection process than MPAC)
From my understanding (and please correct me if I'm wrong) First you must pass your CFAT, Medical, PT, First Interview, Second (Board) Interview, then if you are successful you will be sent to MPAC. From that point you are evaluated at MPAC and rated compaired to the other applicants that are at MPAC with you. (Ex. 1st place 9th place....) and then depending on how many positions are available for MP, the top rated applicants go onto Basic Training while the rest of the Applicants go onto a waiting list where they will then be compaired to future MPAC applicants and if their rating is not greater than those applicants they move further and further down the list each time an MPAC is held < ----- I'm really not sure if this last statement is true... if someone could confirm or correct me... that would be great.
Anyways now that you know whats running through my head, heres my question:
When you are rated at MPAC, is it ONLY your performance while at MPAC that is considered (which will then completely/solely decide if you get hired or not) or will other information still be considered that was used earlier in the application process such as: relevant work experience, volunteer work, school grades, how well your first and second interview went and so on?
Quiet Riot said:Was wondering if anyone knew some dates for this years MPACs?