Hey guys,
this is my first thread here
I would like to show you this video which shows how simply deflating the tires of a truck can help driving through snow (as shown in the video), sand (desert), mud etc.
The video was made in Austria and I think it is remarkable how the truck doesn't need any snow chains whatsoever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZFg2omAako
What do you guys think? I guess every army in the world faces problems in difficult terrain. Any experiences within Canada?
Looking forward to hear about your thoughts!
this is my first thread here
I would like to show you this video which shows how simply deflating the tires of a truck can help driving through snow (as shown in the video), sand (desert), mud etc.
The video was made in Austria and I think it is remarkable how the truck doesn't need any snow chains whatsoever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZFg2omAako
What do you guys think? I guess every army in the world faces problems in difficult terrain. Any experiences within Canada?
Looking forward to hear about your thoughts!