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Changes to the MARS Occupation Structure


Army.ca Fixture
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Link (for the DWAN)

Any ideas on how the non-golden children will be treated (promotion and employment wise) after this comes to pass?
Like red-headed stepchildren?  :D

Couldn't open the link.  Care to give us a synopsis?
SeaKingTacco said:
Like red-headed stepchildren?  :D

Couldn't open the link.  Care to give us a synopsis?

The RCN has finally realized that not every MARS officer is going to become XO or CO. But the ones not anointed still have the capability to contribute in a meaningful way and compete for promotion to LCdr and Cdr rank. The MARGEN states that the "Wet and Dry list" (my term, I am sure that there will be a better sounding acronym) will be formalized within MARCORDS.
This is interesting and may be a trend. Now I am no MARS officer nor am I holding a commisson in any way.

During a converstaion with my last DIV O he was telling me LOG Officers (Perhaps only Sea LOG not sure) are going to be doing much the same thing. Basically creating two streams one for those who are being "groomed", if you will, for higher commands and those who arent.

Interesting indeed. I wonder if this way of doing business will spred.
It's called Succession Planning and is alive and well(opinions vary on the 'well' part!) in the NCM ranks too. All part of 'the future'.
Pat in Halifax said:
It's called Succession Planning and is alive and well(opinions vary on the 'well' part!) in the NCM ranks too. All part of 'the future'.

Hmmm I know of succession planning and I think its good in some ways but I didnt know this was part of it.
It's been done for generations to varying degrees.  Believe it or not, career managers aren't just randomly plucking names and sticking them in jobs - there are attempts to get people broad experience, and specific efforts are made to groom and develop folks.

Succession planning is merely a formalized method to develop our institutional leaders.  In a 30-35 year career it's impossible to do everything; succession planning helps get people exposure to as many key things as they can, in trade and out of trade, in and out of their home environment.

Halifax Tar said:
Hmmm I know of succession planning and I think its good in some ways but I didnt know this was part of it.
What was indicated in the initial post is also the case for the Snr NCM ranks-Who wants to go into key or Senior Appointment posits as a CPO1/CWO? Saying you don't want to be SP'd is not a bad thing but it means that some doors may close for you as, let's face it, we are considered by many to be an 'up or out' organization. There are MANY core posits for those who do not wish to go on a SP list and with all the new NP, any one of the many Projects is the likely spot - Hey....that's how I got here!