Hi! Actually - I was thinking of making that comment - that instead of the sappers absorbing the engineers it seems the engineers were absorbed - but in name - by the pioneers. This begs the question -"What is the role of a field engineer?". During the mid 70's and early 80's when I was a sapper, it seemed the brigade commander (at least in the west) didn't really know. But then, training was at most battalion level, never brigade level (one battalion was defending. two were attacking - IF one wasn't in Cyprus at the time). The RV exercises I guess were supposed to push training up to brigade level. In essence I don't think the engineer roles were really practiced. In Wainright or Shilo or where-ever, roads are already in place, bridging - where do you need it? Field fortification when was it practiced? In this regard the Bosnia taskings were good - The generals woke up to belatedly realize how useful sappers were.