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AVNs in Petawawa


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Are there any AVNs posted to Petawawa Tac Hel Squadron? What your work there is like? Do you have to do a lot of army stuff like field, ruck marches, etc?
And what are the chances of a newly graduated AVN tech to be posted there.

Thanks :)
Considering that AVN Techs fall under the Royal Canadian Air Force, they won't be doing a lot of Army related activities.
LunchMeat said:
Considering that AVN Techs fall under the Royal Canadian Air Force, they won't be doing a lot of Army related activities.
I was told they do by few army instructors, that's why I'm asking to hear from actual AVNs for more details
The correct answer is absolutely. If posted to 450 after you are qualified you will have an opportunity to go on multiple exercises. 1 Wing also does a higher level of IBTS then the rest of the RCAF. This includes field craft as well as yearly weapons quals. You won't by any means be a soldier, however you will have more opportunities than Trenton. I am also within my lanes and know this personally. Good luck.
Modified...new AVN Techs come in quite regularly.
llin_X said:
I was told they do by few army instructors, that's why I'm asking to hear from actual AVNs for more details

It was more tongue in cheek, I know it doesn't translate well on the Internet.

RemusterKing said:
The correct answer is absolutely. If posted to 450 after you are qualified you will have an opportunity to go on multiple exercises. 1 Wing also does a higher level of IBTS then the rest of the RCAF. This includes field craft as well as yearly weapons quals. You won't by any means be a soldier, however you will have more opportunities than Trenton. I am also within my lanes and know this personally. Good luck.
Modified...new AVN Techs come in quite regularly.
Thank you for detailed answer  :)
RemusterKing said:
1 Wing also does a higher level of IBTS then the rest of the RCAF. This includes field craft as well as yearly weapons quals.

Uhm, I am part of that "rest of the RCAF".  I do the DRTSET qual's, like nav/comms, wpns, CBRN etc yearly...is there specific field trg that 1 Wing types do that those of us in other line Sqn's don't do?

Yes. If you look into the IBTS instruction from 1 CAD, you will see a note regarding 1 Wing. I think it was an extra level of small arms and live grenades each year. I am not within the wing currently but remember reading the document when we first started up 450. I too spent time in the Rest of the RCAF and as an AM SUP assure you I wasn't slamming the rest; just trying to give the poster the most accurate info. I know in the transport world I did not fire C6 or C9 as an AVN Tech.
Maybe my 'tone' came off wrong, I was genuinely wondering what TacHel did different for DRTSET stuff from other communities.  :nod:
I'm an AERE who's been posted to two different Tac Hel units, including one in Pet.

There are two Tac Hel units in Petawawa.  Although 427 Sqn is technically under the command of CANSOFCOM, they still follow a lot of regs and rules of 1 Wg.  As an example, the SAMA (basically the senior AERE Officer for the Griffon and Chinook) is a LCol at 1 Wg.  Thus, despite 427 being special forces, 1 Wg still carries a lot of weight with the unit.  The other unit is 450 Sqn, which operates the Chinook.  Both units regularly take newbie AVN techs, but I suspect your chances would be better at 450 Sqn due to the role that 427 Sqn provides, i.e. they usually want more experienced folks. 

Petawawa is a good place.  I liked it and would go back there if given the opportunity. 

As for the trg, yes, Tac Hel tends to do more "Army" stuff than other RCAF units.  This includes the reg trg already mentioned, field exercises in austere locations, MRPs in the field, HCCR, etc.  Plus, (and I know that I'm going to get comments back from this, but it is the truth) Tac Hel units tend to deploy more than other RCAF units (which I loved).  This includes both domestic and international ops.