-when i click on the link to a forum; i don‘t see posts
-when I click on a post; i don‘t see some of the later replies to it
-it takes a LONG time to open up a page at times
What kind of computer and modem are you using? A low end system with a mediocre modem will cause probs with some large, intese pages as found here. Maybe your phone line is not giving you a clean signal or needs to be filtered. Just a few things to check.
Hmmm. If you can send me an e-mail when you get the errors, that would be great. (Send ‘em to bobbitt@cdnarmy.ca .)
The more info you can include, like what you were doing, what link you clicked on, what the response (if any) was, etc, the better I‘ll be able to track it down...
The "long delay" sometimes may be because when a page is first loaded, it takes a long time. Once it‘s been viewed once, it‘s cached, and subsequent views are much faster. Basically, if the URL looks like http://cdnarmy.ca/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi... then you‘re viewing a page for the first time, and it‘s going to take a while. If the URL starts with http://cdnarmy.ca/ubb/ultimatebb.php... then it‘s pulling a cached copy, and will be faster.
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.
I frequently have the same problem, with the same message, however I found that if you go back (using your browser) and try clicking the link again, it works fine. Hope it works...
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