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  1. S

    Logistic Officer questions

    If you're going in for the Reg Force, you may state your choice of posting, but you never know if it is what you'll get. You'll only be able to express those while in BMOQ and after that (Not with the recruitment center). When they offer you a job, you don't know for where. (Except for...
  2. S

    Logistic Officer questions

    For Airforce, we Go directly to LOCC (Logistic officer common course) after BMOQ. After that, it can vary depending which course is being offered first. You have to do your specialty course. You’ll be able to tell your preference during your first weeks in BMOQ. For me, it’s finance and I’m...
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    Logistic Officer questions

    They asked me while my interview. You need to tell them before you enroll. After BMOQ it will be too late. I am an Airforce LOG.
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    Logistic Officer questions

    Yes, you should be able to express your preference. Doesn’t mean you’ll be offer that element, but they’ll try. For example, I was offer my 1st choice.
  5. S

    ROTP RMC Academic Year 2022-23

    I am also starting on May 8th (French BMOQ). Don’t know if they put me with with you guys (Civil university OCdt) but I’m a DEO candidate. (LOG O)
  6. S

    Application Process Samples [ 2019-present]

    Recruiting Center: CFRC Sherbrooke Regular Force/Primary Reserve: Regular Trade Choice #1: Logistic officer Trade Choice #2: Trade Choice #3: Applied: May 25, 2022 (Reopened File) First Contact: Early june CFAT: Early june (Qualified) Interview: February 24, 2023 Medical: July 5, 2022 -...
  7. S

    Wounded Finger/Medical Question

    Hi, I had a similar situation with the antidepressant. On my side, it was for anxiety. I stopped medication at the beginning of 2022. Few months ago, I got my medical rejection. I was told that I need to be off medication for at least one year and then I would be able to appeal. They handed me...